Our Story
Project Maslow has been years in the making. We’ve lived the lives that we’re trying to help others avoid. The long hours, the low pay, the fear of the electricity being turned off. And the dreams that stayed dreams because advancing ourselves and the world into a better place is a tall order for someone struggling to make a car payment. We know what it’s like to expect a degree to fix everything, only to find that without experience, finding work in the field you chose is even harder than fighting to earn the degree. But over time we learned from our mistakes and we found a path. And ultimately, we learned that there were much easier routes everywhere.
We found that it wasn’t our skills that kept us from achieving our goals, it was what we didn’t know and what we didn’t understand and who we didn’t know. Mostly, it was that we didn’t know how to break into the groups that could make things happen, and because of that, we weren’t part of the conversation, leaving us to feel unworthy and broken. But with perspective, we could see that it was all about connecting with other people, with other groups. There were networks out there that thought just like we did, building new ideas and dreaming of incredible possibilities. They were always there, but they didn’t know how to reach us and we didn’t know how to be reached.
Project Maslow is designed to be the rope that gives everyone the chance to climb their mountain. It makes the connections and points the way, no matter what you’re trying to achieve. The climb will still be tough, but it will be an adventure, more rewarding with every step. We believe that we should all be able to take care of ourselves, our families, and each other, not stuck, fighting to survive. At Project Maslow, we want every person sitting at the same table, with the same opportunity, with the same choice to live how they choose, and never to get stuck in a world where they have no control. We know that our long struggle had huge value, but with perspective, it could have been a more comfortable journey. Though we’re thankful for what we learned, we’re even more thankful that our struggle let us see how to lead others to more fulfilling lives, and for that we’re eternally grateful to share our blessing.